Bhagwan Vishawkarma ji commonly known as a Diety of builders, craftmen and other all types of works etc. And it is prayed and worshiped as other Hindu Dieties. It is said that he had his family with Sons and daughters etc. All were very experpts in different jobs. Baba ji & his family had created the whole world. Babaji’s daughter was married to the SUN and to reduce the heat of the sun, Baba ji put the sun on a turning machine and thus reduced its size. With the excessive material, Stars and moon etc. were came into existance. All these talks are make believe and cannot be proved in any way since modern science says it is not true. Moreover GURU’S GURUBANI as given in the SRI GURU GRANTH SAHIB JI, says that the entire UNIVERSE AND ALL OTHER CREATIONS are done by ONE and only ONE ALMIGHTY GOD. So he is the only VISHAWKARMA i.e. EK ONKAR. HE have given all the Brains and Inteligence to the human being to make all the developments on this Earth. Therefore, we should praise and pray only to HIM for all his kindness and blessings on us to make all items for our use. This is the universal truth and should be accepted by all and change the old make believe views. By treating Vishawkarma ji just like other Devi Devtas and by making Statues or Paintings etc. we are making Him so small that it will not be His praise but will be a downgrading of His all creations. This is not logical and not acceptable to the coming highly educated and advanced generations. Therefore, GOD, THE ALMIGHTY (EK ONKAR) be called as BABA VISHAWKARMA JI.
It is very appreciable to build VISHAWKARMA BHAVANS for gathering and prayers etc. Furthermore it should be converted into the CENTRES OF LEARNING OF CRAFTMANSHIP, ARTS, SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, with ALL TYPES OF LITERATURES, BOOKS, MAGAZINES, MODELS AND PHOTOGRAPHS ETC. All new INVENTIONS should also be shown by VIDEO FILMS and by all other means. This will give necessary information, training and experience to our younger generation and will help them to progress further in their field of work and will encourage every one to join with their older generations for the development of the society as a whole. This also will be the best and meaningfull way to celebrate the VISHAWKARMA DIVAS. Hope this will find the kind consideration of my all fellow bretherns.
Gian Singh Bamrah, Mob: 9464283050, 6283317292..