She had sent the mail to one of her friends (CHRIS HAMMERS) who had condemned the Sikh Religion before she embraced Sikhism. She wrote as under :
“ Listen Chris Hammer, I never got around to telling you some of the things about Sikh Religion that convince me of its authenticity. One major evidence is the HOLY BOOK of Sikh Religion known as the – GRANTH SAHIB. The Granth Sahib was compiled over a period of 240 years by hands of the beings that founded Sikh Religion. All Copies are matched to the original hand written one. It is scientifically impossible for any known being to write a book with all the qualities found in the Granth Sahib. Below are some of those amazing qualities :
1. It is written using very deeply profound words obtained from over 16 languages(I would say that it’s words are more profound then that of any other book on the planet, but that would not get anywhere, I would be simply dismissed as being biased).
2. The words from over 16 incompatible languages are incorporated in a way that they make perfect sence.
3. The Alphabet the GRANTH SAHIB uses was invented by the Supreme Beings that wrote it. The Alphabet is called GURMUKHI, it is impossible to make a spelling mistake using this alphabet because it has logical grammer rules. Every word or sound can only be written one way. Not like English where the ‘k’ in knife is silent. This is the easiest alphabet to master. I bet the world would be using computers a long time ago to write things using speech recognition programs if Gurmukhi was the business language of the world.
4. Every sentence is written in poetry of the highest order. (William Shakespeare would have been envious)
5. At the same time every sentence rhymes.
6. At the same time everything is in music verse form, so that all sorts of musical instruments can be played while it is sung.
Sikh religion believes praying should be a very pleasurable, stress relieving, thought provoking event. Most other religions believe praying should be a act of submission (Catholics make you kneel allot!), unquestioningly following rituals, and fear of a jealous Angry God (the Ten Commandments of Judao-Chistianity state something about God being a Jealous God and one prone to Anger). Now Chris, tell me does it make sense following a God who is so immature, He gets jealous, how insecure could that kind of a God be! And how wimpy and powerless must this God be if he gets Angry.
The God of Sikh religion never gets jealous because he made all those awesome things that make insecure persons jealous. Sikh religion also says God is without anger. Their is a very beautiful song about this in the GRANTH SAHIB! Plus, before the Equal Rights Movement, in fact 540 years before, Guru Nanak said many nice PRAISES ABOUT WOMEN, instead of condemning them like all the other great religions do.
QUOTES ABOUT WOMEN IN SRI GURU GRANTH SAHIB IN PRAISE OF WOMEN, “ We are born of woman, we are conceived in the womb of woman, we are engaged and married to woman. We make freindship with woman and the lineage continued because of woman. When one woman dies, we take another one, we are bound with the world through woman. We grow up stronger and wiser having drunk milk from the breast of woman. Why should we talk ill of her, who gives birth to kings? The woman is born from woman, there is none without her. Only the ONE TRUE LORD is without woman” (Guru Nanak Dev, Var Asa, pg. 473)
MARRIAGE IS AN EQUAL PARTNERSHIP OF LOVE AND SHARING BETWEEN HUSBAND & WIFE, “ They are not husband and wife, who merely sit together. Rather they alone are called husband and wife, who have one spirit in two bodies.” (Guru Amar Das, Pauri, pg. 788)
WOMEN HAVE AN EQUAL RIGHT TO PARTICIPATE IN THE CONGREGATION. “ Come my sisters and dear comrades! Clasp me in thine embrace. Meeting together, let us tell the tales of our Omnipotent Spouse(God). In the TRUE LORD are all merits, in us all demerits.” (Guru Nanak Dev, Sri Rag, pg. 17)
GOD IS THE HUSBAND AND WE ARE ALL HIS BRIDES. “ The Spouse is but ONE and all others are HIS brides. The false bride assumes many religious garbs. When the Lord stops her going into another’s home, then is she summoned into her Lord’s mansion without any let and hindrance. She is adorned with the Name and is dear to her True Lord. She alone is the true bride and the Lord lends her HIS support. “(Guru Nanak Dev, Ramkali, pg. 933) (note: Lord is one of the names of God).
GOD IS OUR MOTHER AS WELL AS OUR FATHER. “ Thou O Lord, art my Father and Thou my Mother. Thou art the giver of peace to my soul and very life.” (Guru Arjan Dev, Bhairo, pg. 1144).
THE RAPE AND BRUTALITIES COMMITTED AGAINST WOMEN BY MUGHAL INVADER BABAR CONDEMNED. “ Modesty and righteousness both have vanished and falsehood moves about as the leader, O Lalo. The function of the Qazis and the Brahmins is over and the Satan now reads the marriage rites (rape). The Muslim women read the Quaran and in suffering call upon God, O Lalo. The Hindu women of the high cast and others of low cast, may also be put in the same account, O Lalo.” (Guru Nanak Dev, Tilang, pg. 722).
THE PRACTICE OF WOMEN BURNING THEMSELVES ON THE HUSBAND’S FUNERAL PYRE (SATI) CONDEMNED. “ They cannot be called satis, who burn themselves with their husbands. They can only be called satis, if they bear the shock of separation. They may also be known as satis, who live with character and contentment and always show veneration to their husbands by remembering them.” (Guru Amar Das, Var Suhi, pg. 787).
THE RITUAL OF DOWRY SO PREVALENT IN MANY SOCIETIES CONDEMNED. “ Any other dowry, which the perverse place for show, that is false pride and worthless gilding. O’ my father ! give me the name of Lord God as a gift and dowry.” ( Guru Ram Das, Sri Rag, pg. 79).
First Supreme Being Guru Nanak laid the foundation of Sikhism which believes in a castless, egalitarian society which guarantees equal rights to Women. Each of the Supreme Being Gurus under authority of God gave women equal status. They gained social and religious freedom at a time when the existing relgions and society considered women to be property. The false notion that they were inherently evil and unclean was removed. A women was regarded as temptation-incarnate. The Gurus exposed the folly of such notions. [ Judaism, Islam, Christianity, Hinduism, Jainism, they all directly say Women are unclean and inferior.]
Sixth Supreme Being Guru Hargobind called Women “ the conscience of man”. In religious gatherings, men and women sang and preached without distinction. The wearing of purdah (women wearing veils to hide the face) was rejected as demenaing to women. Guru Hargobind refused to have dinner with any Queen who wore a veil.
IK ONKAR : means “ One Creator”, The CIRCLE is a Chakram, representing the “Universe”, THE DOUBLE EDGE SWORDS represents, “ The Positive and Negative side of the Force”, the TWO SWORDS on the out side of sphere represent “the hands of the One Creator protecting and beholding all that exists and beyond.”
Dear inquisitive, challenging brother “Chris Hammer”, I will answer all your questions in better detail when time permit. For now I will torpedo your points. PLEASE READ THE KHALSA CONSENSUS ENGLISH TRANSLATION OF GURU GRANTH SAHIB JI. Then you will see that Sikhs have more Divine proofs than any other Religion. I was born and still am a Chritian, but soon convert to Sikhism. The main reason being the Bible is anti Women, it talks about the Women’s Curse. The Old Testament says God want you to steal a baby boy’s foreskin, science now says that mutilative operation is very harmful to the defenceless infant boy, Mothering Magzine did science article on it. But Sikhs knew one should never destroy any gift God gives, so cutting of a skin from the genitals is quite Evil, what happened to Human Rights, the Sikh religion Honors infants and all beings! Everyday a teaching of the Bible is found to be harmful. You claim the proof that a revelation is truly from God, is Prophesy! As you know any occult palm reader etc. can claim they predicted an Earth Quake a year before it happened. All Psychic has to say is next year the Earth will shake. Chances under rules of science are that there is a good chance that some kind of explosion or Earth Shaking activity will happen in a year, so prophesy is just clever manipulation of history. You say “ The Bible prophesied of years in advance giving detailed accounts of the major empires of the world and all major cities of the ancient world as well as the names of two emperors 200 years before they were born.” I have read the Bible, I find that these so called revelation do not prove anything, anyone can make them, it’s easy to turn anything written in the past into a accurate prediction, by stretching interpretations to suite an end result. Not to really answer your challenge, Sikhs do not depend on prophesy, because God like a movie producer can make any change whenever HE wants to. What proves the Sikh religion came directly from God is, it is the only Religion in the world that has perfect science. Your Bible was the reason Galileo was almost Executed, because the Bible was saying the Earth is Flat & the Sun revolves around the Earth. This Male Egotistical writing is now proven farce by science. The First Supreme Being GURU NANAK, “The Light that dispels the Darkness”, wrote many Divine Poems describing Solar System. If you know science you know Solar System means a planetary system in which all the planets revolve around a central Star. Second proof The First Supreme Being or Light that dispels the Darkness, GURU NANAK with his own hands at the order of God wrote Hymns that say the Earth and many planets are round. I will now quote a devine poetic quote translated from Gurmukhi, that teaches that not only is Earth Round but there are uncountable Earths (planets), uncountable Solar Systems around which they orbit, uncountable glaxies. Chris Hammer, you know that it was only a few decades ago when “Hubble” an astonomer discovered that we live in a galaxy, then much later Hubble discovered that there are many Galaxies outside our own. Well Mr. Hammer, the Sikh Holy Scripture which is the only Holy Book written by the Founder(s) of its faith. That is like saying Jesus wrote the Bible, instead of Chauvinistic men 100’s of years after Jesus died. The Guru Granth Sahib, over 540 years ago stated that their were countless galaxies, Galileo was not born until 100 years later. Guru Nanak did not have a Telescope or vast scientific resources like Galileo did. If that is not enough & you demand Sikhs to have prophesy to be valid, then I will give you something no human not even Jesus knew, the Gurus said there are Universes upon Universes, Spheres upon Spheres. What this means is that when you reach the end of our 15 billion light years size Universe, go many times that distance into empty space, you will encounter the neighboring Universe, keep traveling and the scenario will repeat. Now the Sphere upon Sphere means that about 400 trillion Universes each the size of our one Universe make a Spherical structures called a Sphere & that there are countless numbers of these huge Spheres each containing Trillions of Univereses. Now Mr. Hammer, your God is a God of 1 Flat Earth, 1 spiritual heaven & 1 spiritual Hell! The Sikh’s God as I mentioned abobe is bigger, His Earth is a sphere, He is master of many Planets, Universes, Galaxies etc... plus He is master of countless Physical Heavens in addition to 1 spiritual heaven plus countless physical Hells in addition to 1 spiritual Hell! So your God Mr. Hammer is quite small in power etc... How come your Bible did not mention this.
Now to give you a prophesy, in the future your Scientists will discover that the Sikh religion was correct when Guru Nanak stated, there are Universes upon Universes, then much further into the future your Scientists will eventual realize that Trillions of these Universes form a Sphere. Below is the Quote! Enjoy! “There are worlds upon worlds, solar system upon solar system, galaxies upon galaxies, universes upon universes, speres upon spheres. They function according to the Command of God. God gets joy by thinking of and beholding His Creation;” “Beyond this Earth, there are many more and more earths. What power bears their load from underneath? (not supposed bull, but God’s Force).” “God’s one word created the world’s expantion and lacs of rivers began to flow.” “ There are nether worlds and more nether worlds below them and there are lakhs of skies over them. Limitless are worlds beneath, limitless the worlds above. One may grow weary of searching out His limits. One can never reach the end of His Vastness”. The continents, worlds and solar system, estabished by God, sing His glories. God’s enlightened beings steeped in the Name, who are pleasing to God, sing His praises”. “God has His seat and His storehouses in all the worlds. Whatever is stored, was put only once for all, enough forever!”. “ How many Indras, Moons, Suns and how many star systems (Surya Mandals), stars, how many (countless), Siddh, Buddhas (like Gautama Buddha), Nath (Gurus), and how many forms and incarnations of Devi (Durga), how many Angels, Demons, Speakers of Truth(Muni) and countless Oceans having precious stones.”
My Dear Chris Hammers, you say “ I am very sorry to hear of your bad experience with Christianity, but don’t make the mistake of throwing out the baby with the bath water.” Now listen, why do you consider my future plans of upgrading (converting) to Sikhism, as throwing out the baby with the bath water. I am not interested in converting because I had bad experience with Christianity. How could I have a bad experience when all I knew as an infant was Chritianity. My parents like you tried to discourage me from embracing Sikh ways, they said Sikhism is primitive religion. I then proved to them exactly how misguided & ignorant they were. I did this by pointing out that Christianity began 2000 years ago, it was a primitive mans attempt to understand God. So it is Christianity that is primitive, Sikhism I taught my parents is a Religion of Divine Science. You gave some quotes from the Bible, about Stars, but the man who wrote that had no idea that a star is a Hot Sun like our Sun, not a cool pretty shiny grain of sand in the sky. Most of my relatives understand the Bible considers stars to be God’s heavenly wallpaper nothing more. Only in the Sikh religion it is clearly stated that stars are Suns because Granth Sahib states Surya Mundala, meaning solar systems. I never said a Guru is “ The Supreme Being”. What I said is “ The First Supreme Being GURU NANAK, “The Light that dispels the Darkness” wrote many Devine Poems decribing Solar System”.
The Sikh religion states there is only one “SAT GURU” meaning TRUE GOD. When I refer to Guru Nanak as a First Supreme Being, it means Pehla Mehel or First Mehel, it does not mean God. God is THE ONE SUPREME BEING, the Gurus were one step below as Supreme Being under the ONE TRUE SUPREME BEING. The word GURU comes from 2 words GU & RU, GU means Light, RU means Darkness. Combined they mean “ The Light that dispel the Darkness” or simply GURU. Clearly each of the 10 Gurus were and are Supreme Beings working for GOD the ONE TRUE SUPREME BEING. Guru Nanak walked the land like Jesus, only difference is Nanak walked much further distances, in fact Nanak at a minimum based on other nations historical records walked enough to circle the Earth 3 times over. But in the future I feel the distance record will increase even further, for example the nation of ITALY has villagers reporting their ancestors made company with Nanak and the provincial Government of CHINA are reporting, that they had visit by Nanak, they have now proved that NANAKIN province and NANAKING CITY were named to Honor First Supreme Being Nanak. If you read Genesis or the TORAH, it has a section called “The Woman’s Curse”, which is a man made Bible teaching that GOD punished women because a mythical EVE gave ADAM a forbidden fruit. I will give an exact quote when time permits. This Bible chapter states that a women had monthly menstrual cycle because God has Cursed her. In Genesis it also says a Woman’s Husband shall strike her in the Head. Read the Bible & the Old Testament or Torah and you will see how much hatred of woman there is in there. It talks of God wanting woman to be submissive to man. I am a MD and no Bible Thumping Man tells me what to do. I told my Fiancee that I am almost sure I am converting to Sikhism & if he is unwilling to do the same , then he can hit the road. He said, whatever I want he wants too. I have been teaching him many of the books on Sikhism and he is impressed at the GURU’s teachings. Chris Hammers, I studied all the religions and found all flawed, only Sikhism was able to withstand my fierce assault. I tried & tried to find fault in Sikhism but I found NONE!
When I first saw a Sikh, I thought he was a Muslim, later I learned that most Muslims never wear a Turban, a Sikh wears a Turban, because it give a Free Carnial Adjustment & tells Him and everyone else that he is beneath no one and only God is above him! The Pro-woman aspect of Sikhism is only one of the many devine reasons I am planning on upgrading to Sikhism. I find Sikhism is a very ADVANCED DHARMA for the MODERN WORLD. My current religion just has no place to meet my modern demands, its not like after I got my MD, some guy with a Old Testament is going to put me in the Kitchen, because some imaginary MALE GOD told him a Woman belongs in the Kichen, HA HA! Of course I do a lot of work in the kichen, but only when I want to cook something, I love & avoid the unhealthy restaurant food.
The Tenth Supreme Being Guru Gobind Singh, when traveling by the woods (jungle), got off his horse upon the sight of a tobacco plant. He then drew his Kirpan (holy sword) and chopped it up, then with his feet he smeared it into the ground. Onlookers belonging to many different religions, asked the Tenth Supreme Being, why have you destroyed that plant? The Tenth Supreme Being replied “Alcohal will destroy one gereration, but tobacco will destroy many gererations.” Chris Hammer, as you know it was only about 4 years ago that Scientists discovered that second hand tobacco smoke kills, thus destroying (damaging or killing the Fetus and destroying the lives of childern & great Grand Childern & friends. So because the Tenth Supreme Being was in constant communications with the One True Supreme Being (Ik Onkar, Sat nam), he had access to absolute science. Did the men who wrote the Holy Bible not know about Tobacco, were they not in communication with the One True Creator? Sikhism is only faith that forbids Tobacco in its Scriptures. Read the English Translations by SANT SINGH KHALSA, also a MD! I only hope that God will let me learn the only true degree that is the “DEGREE OF DEVINE SIKHISM.”
Chris it was my Medical Colleagues who during the 50’s started routine Circumcision of Defenceless Babies. This was done to make extra income for medical professionals, Circumcision increases the transmission and acquiring of STD’s plus many other problems. In my next posting I will give over 70 Scientific references proving my point. I will do this not to prove you wrong, but to prove another Christian wrong. Chris even jesus tried to ban Circumcision, because the practice is Satanic, no Loving God will ask anyone to chop a very valuable pleasure producing part. Until the past 12 years I went to Church every Sunday, now hopefully I will get to go to Gurdwara any day of the week as convenient. Instead of hearing a fiery sermon, I will get to enjoy Divine Music & Hymns! And Chris Hammer, only IK ONKAR or ONE CREATOR’s name is precious, not a nice guy named JESUS. I get the impression you are a Religious Fanatic, something that the Sikh Dharam shuns, because Fanaticism puts a wall between one’s connection to the One True Creator. Sikhs donot waste time spreading Sikhism like other religions do because, one does not give away Daimonds. I am lucky I came across this TRUE DIAMOND, I only hope I have the IQ it takes to follow the Super Advanced Spiritual Teachings of the “ Lights that dispel the Darkness of Gurus.”
See, I am not the only one that knows a TURBAN gives a Carnial Adjustment. It is a law of Physics, not Indian culture. Sikhism is from the future, Indian is from the past, you can take the wayward path if you like. Your comments indicate you already made many a wrong choice. And the Gurus were & are Supreme Beings and there is nothing you can do to hurt them or lower their power. Some other Sikh, wrote that Punjabi Sikhs are cutting their Hairs and trying to blend in with western culture. Well that’s their & their parent’s poor understanding of Divinity of Sikhism. So by dumping Diamonds they don’t hurt me one bit, its their loss. I as a very Modern American, know I am becoming even more modern by adopting the Guru’s ( the Lights that dispel the Darkness) teachings and way of life. If Punjabi Sikhs misbehave they loose big time. I have looked at all religions and Sikhism is only Dharam that can exist in its current form on any Planet in Any Universe, may be the Punjabi Sikhs don’t deserve the this best of all Universal Knowledge anymore.
I wore a KARA to the last continuing medical education seminar, and some of my coleagues asked me about it. So I told them what it was and about the Sikh Dharm, they showed great interest in learning more. Two of the Ladies from the group asked where they could get a translation of the Sikh Holy Book. Page 14 of the KHALSA CONSESUS TRANSLATION must be what peaked interest! If God gave me more time, I know it would be so easy to get far more individuals interested in Sikhism! I never ever saw a Sikh of India sharing knowledge of Sikhism with a Non-Sikh. Probably a good thing in disguise, because I have been told so much misinformation by Native Sikhs. For example someone told me meat is good, then they justify such butchery by saying the Gurus ate it. When I ask them for proof they came up with sloppy translations. I then waste time dissecting them and find the Gurus are speaking against killing animals in those passages. For a person like myself, it is so obvious the Gurus could never condone eating meat. As meat is unhealthy & a shameful destruction of Life Force. I quit eating meat 12 years ago, way before I even knew Sikhs existed. Thank God the Gurus wrote the Granth and not some body much lateron.
BANA : The Khalsa Uniform Bana is our Flag. Bana is our Nishan that states unequivocally who we are. If we have the dress and fashion of a movie star, that makes a statement as to who we are. If we wear the clothes of a begger, that also tells the world what our status is. And if we wear the Bana of the Khalsa, this makes a statement of strength that cannot be ignored by the hardest of hearts. Bana is the image and dress of grace. Bana is the Five K’s of the Khalsa : Kesh, Kachera, Kanga, Kara and Kirpan. Each one of these beautiful accouterments gives us strength and beauty. Bana is a statment that says, with a look, that I belong to Guru Gobind Singh, and He belongs to me. I belong to the Khalsa and Khalsa belongs to me as the drop of water forever merges in to the ocean, Guru Gobind Singh.
I would like to share with you my own story and experiences in relation to the Bana of the Khalsa. When I first became a Sikh, twenty three years ago, I had never seen an Indian Sikh Woman. I knew only American Sikhs, and in fact, very few of those. But I knew that Kesh and Dastar were part of the 5 K’s of Guru Gobind Singh. And I knew that Guru Gobind Singh promised : “ If the Khalsa maintains the distinct path, I shall give them all my strength. But if the Khalsa leaves this path, then I will withdraw my recognition.=Guru Gobind Singh”. Well as a young woman of 18 years, full of the spirit of life and the excitement of discovering the teachings of Guru Gobind Singh Ji, it never occured to me to not wear a Turban. The Khalsa of Guru Gobind Singh ji wore the dastar, and that was who I wanted to be. So it was with great sincerity that I tied my first Turban. From the moment I put on a Turban, the effect was immediate and exciting.
Physiologically speaking, the Turban creates a dramatic effect on the body. The human Skull is not solid, but is made up of 52 MOVING PLATES, whose alignment effects our well being and our mental processes. Osteopathic Doctors have developed a science of carnial adjustments to treat many general and specific ailments. By tying the Turban, and thus creating the proper pressure and angles, the bones of the skull are automatically adjusted, and remain aligned throughout the day. In situations of the mental activity or emotional stress, when the carnial bones tend to go out of the proper alignment, the Turban contains and maintains the integrity of the skull. This contributes greatly to our strength and ability to succeed under pressure. In addition to this, the effect of the Kesh properly combed-up and the acupressure points that the Turban presses at the temple contributes to the person’s ability to maintain an elevated state of mind, a higher state of consciousness. All of this was apparent to me the very first day I wore the Turban of Khalsa. But as you can imagine, the most dramatic effect of wearing a Turban is not physiological, but rather it is social. Wearing a Turban is to walk the niagra path. My parents and my friends were stunned. They thought they had lost me, but of course they had not. Rather the experience of being distinct has made me more committed to the welfare of those around me, because everything I do is highlited and examined by others. Now I have lived my life experiencing the benefits of the Turban, I can tell you honestly that you are missing a great advantage by not doing so. I have been given the respect and the status of a spiritual woman, even when I myself have been filled with self doubt and misgivings. This I see as Guru Gobind Singh Ji fulfilling His promise, giving me the strength even when I do not have strength myself. This beautiful Dastar proclaims to the entire world that I belong to Guru Gobind Singh Ji and that is a reality I will never deny.”
It is quite clear from the views of DR. JANET LANT (SHANTI KAUR KHALSA), that Sikh Religion is the only One Religion in the world which is based on the Universal Truth and is the most modern one. No body could find any deficiency in this Religion so far and no body will ever find in the future because truth always remains truth. The ways of life as given in the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji are the only one that by following it, one can find true peace of mind. Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji guide us with the true mission of our life and removes all types of falsehood. No Sciencetist, Philsophir or any Thinker could so far find any fault or falseness in any quote of our Great Gurus or Sri Guru Granth Sahib JI. Who so ever deeply studied and understood the Teachings of our Gurus and Guru Granth Sahib, he praised it and decided to follow it in letter and spirit. It is very wondering and quite regretable that most of the Sikhs who claim the followers of the Sikh Religion, neither understand nor follow the Teachings of our Great Gurus and Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. That is the reason we still in the grip of other religions and under the false and manmade rituals of these religions. This is going on generation to generation despite the clear and true teachings given by our Gurus.
We treating our Gurudwaras as Mandirs. The way the manmade Statues (Moortis) are worshiped in Mandirs, similarly we are now worshiping the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji in our Gurudwaras. We simply go to Gurudwara just as a ritual i.e. to fulfill our worldly demands and for it, offering some money or any other item, bowing, encircling, taking parshad or langar and then done some service to show others that we are true religious. Whereas the real purpose of going to Gurudwara should be TO LISTEN, READ, UNDERSTAND AND FOLLOW THE TEACHINGS OF OUR GREAT GURUS AND SRI GURU GRANTH SAHIB JI IN OUR DAILY LIFE. It is very clearly mentioned in Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji that GURUBANI IS NOT MUSICAL SONGS FOR ENTERTAINMENT BUT IT IS A BRAHM VICHAR (Gurubani is the Teachings of our Great Gurus to understand the meaning of our Life and its purpose in this Universe). Therefore it requires Deep thinking and understanding of what is written in the form of Gurubani. This cannot be done just by Non-stop readings but only by Slow and Steady Reading, understanding the MEANING OF EACH AND EVERY WORD, LINE AND COMPLETE SHABAD. For this purpose all the GUTKAS, SAINCHIS AND SRI GURU GRANTH SAHIB JI SHOULD BE WRITTEN OR PRINTED WITH MEANINGS ONLY. So that every reader should understand the same in the right perspective. Moreover this should also be printed in the MAXIMUM LANGUAGES OF THE WORLD just like Bible is printed in every language. It should also be Distributed FREE OF COST to anyone who desires for it. Every Gurdwara should be a PLACE OF LEARNING OF SIKHISM. Only then it will be true service to the humanity and a MESSAGE OF TRUTHFUL LIFE can be given to all.
In 1990 I had been to USA, California for my business trip. I also had a chance to attend a religious function of a follower of Bhai Harbhajan Singh Jogi Ji. There I saw, their Kirtani Jatha was doing Kirtan of Gurubani Shabads (Singing Hymns of Sri Guru Ganth Sahib Ji) but all the Sangat (Group of all walks of people as their deciepals) were also Singing the Hymns with the Kirtani Jatha. Every one was holding Computer printed Paper Sheets with the Complete Shabads, Meanings and how to sing it. All the Sangat was understanding what is being sung and what its meaning is. This way he had taught all his followers about Sikhism in a foreign country. But our own people in Punjab or in India have never followed this pattern. We are spending lacs and crores of Rupees on Kirtan Darbars, Nagar Kirtans and other religious gatherings but it is not doing the effect that it should do. The reason is we are not giving the message of Gurubani or Teachings of the Gurus in right manners but just amassing wealth and building Gurudwaras in the name of religion. Thus deadlocking the financial assets without using it for the spread and teaching the MESSAGE OF TRUTHFUL WAY OF LIFE as practically lived by our GREAT GURUS. Also we could not explain to the world that the SHAPE AND BANA of SIKHS are not special or un-natural but rathar it is the NATURAL SHAPE OF THE ALL HUMAN BEINGS FROM THE VERY BIRTH. All human being born as SIKHS and they are altered in to different shapes after birth by the different faiths. Our Gurus specially 10th Great Guru Gobind Singh Ji RESTORED the natural shape of all human beings as given by the GOD to all. HE warned us that the CHANGE OF HUMAN SHAPE OR ORGANS (cutting of hairs and circumcisions etc.) and thus creating different sects or separations, is going against the CREATIONS OF THE GOD. SIKHISM is based on TRUE PATH OF LIFE, that is why we are advised to protect all creations of the GOD in true manners. If every Sikh understand this and follow it in as advised by our Great Gurus and as mentioned in the Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji, and make the whole world to understand it, I am sure the whole world will follow its truthness and will become SIKHS as have become DR. JANET LANT (BIBI SHANTI KAUR KHALSA) AND MANY OTHERS. The need is to think about it and to do effeorts for it. Hope our leadership will give some attention to it and will do the needful for the welbeing of the coming generations and the whole world
Gian Singh Bamrah, Mob: 9464283050, 6283317292..