While talking about Backward Class, the first question is who are the Backward and how ? According to my opinion, whose brain is not developed enough to do his work of its own or cannot make any innovation or find out solutions of his daily life working problems and depends on others to make things or work for him. On the other hand the advanced persons are those who can do their own work themselves and develop new ideas and create new things for others to help them to live a comfortable life. Vishwakarma Bansi have buildup the infrasturctures and many devices for the smooth and better living of all the humanity and other living creatures of the nature. They have changed the entire perspective of the whole world. This was not possible without the great thinking and hard working of these Vishwakarma Bansi. The world would have been a jungle full of animals and junglee humen races as in the initials stages of this universe. It is only Vishwakarma bansis who have changed the world in the present look and shape. This way the Vishwakarma Bansi should have been highly praised and respected class of this world but instead of it the CUNNING AND IDLE class declared them as Backward so that they continue to work for them for ever and they enjoy all the benifits of life without doing any effort for it. This is the tregdy that the highly advanced and respected class have been declared as BACKWARD and IDLE AND CUNNING peple have become as UPPER class. It is a great GAME and JOKE with the Vishwakarma bansi. Time has come for the Vishwakarma bansi to realise this fact and think about it seriously.
The second question is, how to reverse and change this situation and how to get back the respect and rights from this Cunning and Idle Class. It is well known that they have played this game with political power and now it can only be taken back by attaining political power. The political Power can be had by uniting all the Vishwakarma bansi on one plateform under one political party. Although Backward class is in large numbers but the CUNNING & IDLE class have devided it in small communities by creating artifical caste system. This ageold caste system is the real enemy of Backward classes and standing as a stumbling block in the way of unity of Backward classes. Our Great Guru ji had tried their best to remove this evel and fought for it for more than 200 hundred years and finally given us their all the teachings in the most respected SRI GURU GRANTH SAHIB JI and also prepared one class i.e. KHALSA, but this also have been hijacked by this so called Upper Class and the Backward Class are again being supressed and devided for their political gains.
The third question is whether we are willing to have political power and to get our respect and rights ? If the reply is in positive then the only solution is to make our unity and majority. Unless and until we unite under one platform forgetting all our castes and creeds and show our majority we cannot get any thing in the present senario. Therefore, all the Vishwakarma Bansis have to be ONE AND ONLY ONE CLASS and select their representatives in the State as well as Centre level elections and get our MLA & MP elected and rule for the wellbeing of the downtrodden class. So it is the need of the hour to think over this matter very seriously and to act accordingly in a constructive manner and to organise the whole Vishwakarma Bansi in one class. Hope this will be considered by all those who are interested for the uplift of all the Vishwakarma Bansi. Please think over it in the right perspective for the benefit of all. Gian Singh Bamrah, Mob: 9464283050, 6283317292.. PRESIDENT, RANGARHIA HERITAGE HISTORICAL SOCIETY, AMRITSAR. Website: www.ramgarhiahhsociety.org